EnviroTREC is a Non-Profit Organization that is partnered with GLACIER, a limited partnership between Rolls-Royce and Pratt & Whitney
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Blazing a Sustainable Trail in Aviation: Introducing SAF
The aviation industry stands at the forefront of addressing climate change, striving to meet ambitious carbon neutrality goals by 2050. A critical element in this transformation is the adoption of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), a cleaner alternative to conventional jet fuel. Over the years, flight and ground tests using both blended and unblended SAF have demonstrated its potential to reshape aviation’s environmental footprint.
Two Emerging Exciting Green Projects in North Dakota and Minnesota
Sustainable Aviation Fuel is essential to the future of the aerospace industry, as it offers the opportunity to continue to build that industry with relatively few changes required in their entire regime – which one would have to agree is indeed very complex. The key difference here is that SAF fuel generally no longer comes from the petroleum industry but rather from the biomass industry.
SAF and Hydrogen Fuel Applications in Aerospace – Part 2
Airbus aims to bring to market the world’s first hydrogen-powered commercial aircraft by 2035. To achieve this, they have proposed the ZEROe project, which will explore a variety of configurations and technologies and prepare the ecosystem that will produce and supply the needed hydrogen. Airbus’ ZEROe program will use four original concepts.
SAF and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Applications in Aerospace – Part 1
ZeroAvia’s fuel cell power generation system technology will be used to demonstrate the concept of using a fuel cell variant in an amphibious flying boat design.
They have selected the PHA-ZE 100 composite amphibious aircraft to demo this project.
IATA Technology Roadmap 2023, Grist for the Mill, Part-6
The price points for the BWB demonstrators are higher, while revenues are not yet evident. Two projects are part of this story. The first is the US government’s support for a demonstrator project for the Blended Wing Body. The second project is the EcoJet Business Jet, being proposed by Bombardier.
IATA Technology Roadmap 2023, Grist for the Mill, Part-5
An example of Multi-Functional Structures would be antennas embedded in the fuselage. These items would, for example, reduce the weight of both items by being combined meaningfully during manufacture. One item provides structural support, while the other supports systems integration.